Few things are probably more sacred to you than what lies within the four walls of your home. You go home to feel safe, secure and confident that you will be protected while inside. However, you can’t eliminate every safety threat, particularly those of theft, vandalism, burglary or other unauthorized entry to your property. Any of these breaches could lead to an expensive homeowners insurance claim, and a feeling of true insecurity in a place where you are supposed to feel safe.
Consider what you can do to make yourself more secure in your home. In the end, just a few simple adjustments can make your home much stronger in the face of security risks.
Practical New-Year Security Tips for Every Homeowner 
The more security you have in your home, the less of a risk there is of something going wrong. As a result, you will have a lower risk of having to file a homeowners insurance claim. Therefore, your insurer might see that you are much safer to invest in and might offer you lower premiums.
To beef up your home security in practical ways, consider the following steps:
Place an Alarm System in the Home
Most of today’s burglar, fire or carbon monoxide alarm systems are very sensitive and sophisticated. They can detect even minuscule problems long before they have time to grow into real and present dangers. They are also easy to install and maintain while still providing little intrusion into your day-to-day ability to occupy the home.
Consider a Smart Security System
Though simple security systems provide high levels of security themselves, the increased investment in a smart security system will only increase the benefits you receive. Smart security systems provide real-time monitoring of your home through an internet connection, and they will immediately alert you through your mobile device of a security breach.
Install Strategic Lighting
Predators cannot survive out in the open. Therefore, the more light your home has, the more risk they have of getting caught. Strategically lighting your home—particularly with the use of motion-activated lights—will help you leave little room for a potential predator to enter your home.
Replace or Reinforce Your Locks
No home security system is complete without the basic protection offered by strong, reliable lock-and-key systems throughout the home. The locks and handles on doors, windows, crawl spaces, cellars and other access points (both inside and outside the home) are your first line of defense against an intruder. If any of them are missing, damaged or simply old, they won’t be secure as they need to be.
Keep Valuables Under Lock and Key
The worst thing you can do with your valuables is to leave them on display. Placing a brand-new TV within view of your picture window or leaving your heirloom jewelry out on your dresser could be just the clue that someone dishonest would need to try to break in, pilfer and steal. Rather, be discreet when displaying these items, and store the items of the highest value in safes, strong-arm boxes or other secure locations.
Always tell your home insurer about any new security steps you’ve added. They can help you determine if these steps will qualify you for premium discounts.